Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Playing Catch Up....

Ok....I'm truly embarrassed....summer vacation means more time which means more blogging right?.........wrong. Not on the more time part but the more blogging part.  I failed.  As I was standing over the stove watching this start to boil, I realized that I cannot give up on my blogging endeavor.  So....let's play catch up!

Summer was incredible.  I was blessed with a wonderful job at church working with amazing people.

I had time to make this...


And these.....( I'll make you one...just ask!)

I discovered PINTEREST which led to this.....

and this....

I traveled here........

and cherished this................

I witnessed this.......

and loved this.....

As for now...I just read this....

and savored this.....

I'm busy with this...........

and am relaxing with this.....

And now you're caught up.  Until next time.....


1 comment:

  1. I read all four of the Hunger Game books this summer. LOVED them! Glad to see you writing again! Can't wait to read more.
