Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Two days ago, this popped up on the weather channel.

I am terrified of thunderstorms.  Not in a "oh they scare me so I'm just going to stay inside" kind of way.  I'm talking shaking in my boots boo hooing like a 3 year old.  In college, I was stuck inside of a mall during a HUGE thunderstorm and hid in the racks of clothes (I wish I was making this up).  On my flight back from Kenya, we landed in a lightning storm and I had my first hysterical melt down.  Yes...I was that crazy lady on the plan shaking and crying and screaming that I was never leaving the ground again...ever.  Needless to say, thunderstorms bother me.  Two days ago...the news got worse.

Now I may be terrified of thunder storms, but I am petrified of tornadoes.  They haunt my nightmares.  No joke.  Just last week I was sucked into oblivion by a tornado that hit my apartment complex (in my dreams of course).  In high school I saw a funnel cloud and nearly fainted while driving.

Is my fear rational?....No.  Is it annoying?.....yes.  During all of this, I was at school.  While at school I take the responsibility of watching over my 90 some students.  It is a bit difficult to act like a grown up when you feel sick to your stomach watching the clouds get darker...and darker...and darker.  One of my students asked me if I liked thunderstorms.  I quickly replied NO.  They then said their sister was scared of thunderstorms as well.  I said their sister and I had that in common.  They said their sister was 3.  I didn't feel any better.  Where does this fear come from?  I have no idea.  I can only hope that I will "grow" out of it.  Thankfully, 3 hours later it looked like this outside.

Stupid Thunderstorms.


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