Monday, February 21, 2011


I find it difficult to maintain a state of cleanliness in my apartment.  I know...shocker.  Due to pictures posted previously (that I will not mention again due to my ever present embarrassment), you should all have an idea of what I'm talking about.  That being said, I find incredible joy in my small victories.  Today marked a small victory.

My bathroom has been clean for  9 DAYS!  Yes I count the days.  Again....small victories people.  Feel free to share in my excitement if you like!

I'd also like to update you on the shower curtain situation.  I finished several more flowers and have been adding them to the curtain as I go.  It's still not finished but it's looking promising.

It's amazing how many times I find myself wondering to the bathroom.  Did I leave my straightener on?  I better go check the bathroom....Where did I put my earrings?  I better go check the bathroom.... Does my outfit match?  I better go check in the bathroom (as I walk past 3 other mirrors).  My next goal is my's a terrifying thought but it will be conquered.  

On another random note, I have decided I am boycotting/protesting/being extremely angry with winter.  In order to understand the severity of this statement, you need to know one thing.  Love does not even begin to describe it.  When I hear that snow is in the forecast, my heart surges.  I feel pure joy.  I have, at one point or another, waited outside all night, freezing and shivering under piles of blankets, just to see those first magical flakes.  Hopefully you now understand why me not wanting snow is kind of a big deal.  It's simply this...I am all about the different seasons.  I do not like to mix and match.  For the past 3 days it has been blissfully 75 degrees and sunny.  I am now ready for spring.  To prove my point I painted my nails and toe nails pink.

So snow, please don't take it personally, but I'm done with you.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say...
    1. I love your blog! It's so stinkin' cute! :)
    2. You're a great writer
    3. Congrats on 9 days of bathroom cleanliness!! :)
