Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shrimp Frittata

Shrimp sounds strange but believe me, it's insane.  SO GOOD!  And it's so easy!  Frittatas are awesome because you can pretty much use anything...within reason of course.

1) Grab your favorite apron.  Aprons are cute and girly.  I feel cute and girly when I wear them.
   2) Chop up some potatoes.  You can use any kind of potato.  I used red because that's what I had on hand.
 This has nothing to do with shrimp fritatta but first, please ignore the dog food in the above picture...again.  As I've stated before, I'm not organized.  Second, I found this at TJ Maxx about a month ago.  It's me on a plaque.
3) Add the cut up potatoes to a seriously hot pan.  You want them to get crispy.  The tool I'm using to scoop the potatoes is life-changing.  I don't have to get my hands dirty and it scoops up way more than I could pick up anyways.
4) Chop up one green pepper and half of an onion.  Add it to the pan.

5) Peel shrimp and cut shrimp in half.  Then add them to the pan.  I always buy shrimp in bulk when it goes on sale at Harris Teeter.  Buy one get TWO free.  I know it's going to be a good day when shrimp is on sale.  (I'm pathetic...I know this).

6) Whisk together 4 whole eggs plus 2 egg whites.  I do this for health reasons only because I like to pretend that by using egg whites, the fritatta magically becomes healthy meaning I can eat extra dessert.  Once the eggs are whisked, pour them into the pan, making sure to evenly cover everything.

7) Turn the heat to medium low and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
 Please notice the banged up edge of my pan.  Here's a closer look.
I may or may not have used this pan as a tool to bury my way out of my apartment during "Snowmageddon" last year. 20 inches of snow calls for serious measures.  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

8)  Turn the broiler on in your oven and place pan on the top rack.  This allows the top of the fritatta to cook.  Let sit for two minutes. Then take it out and cover the top with cheese.  It's important to add lots and lots of cheese.  It will taste horrible if you don't. (so it won't really taste horrible but seriously...extra cheese is always a good thing).
9) Place back on the top rack in the oven and let cook until cheese is melted and bubbly.  I like to leave it until the cheese starts to brown on top.  Make sure you are watching carefully because cheese can burn fast and burnt cheese is disgusting (not that I know from personal experience.....)

10) Grab a plate and enjoy!


  1. This is on my weekend menu! Can't wait to read more about what you are thinking and what you are cooking!

  2. ummmm you forgot the most important thing about aprons... HELLLLOOOOOO, they're magic!
