Monday, February 7, 2011

It's About Time

As of recently, I have given up watching TV shows unless they are ones that my husband and I both watch together. My husband doesn't watch a lot of TV so it works out well. I made this decision because I found that instead of thinking and processing my day, I would turn on the television to escape. I felt lazy and boring. I have been talking about starting a blog for a couple of months and yesterday my best friend bluntly told me, "Stop talking about it and just start one!" I figured I could use the time that used to be spent watching television on starting a new experiment. Here is a little introduction into the thought process that's going into this new adventure.

I am definitely not a writer. I used to write stories in elementary school and dreamed of being an author. High School research papers ruined it for me.

I am definitely not a chef. When I first married my husband, he ate nothing but burnt potatoes and dry chicken breast. Fortunately I discovered a love for cooking and through practice I have conquered several delicious recipes. I still want to get better. I aspire to be like Carla on Top Chef. I feel the love girl!

I am most definitely not clean and organized. I feel proud if my bathroom sink stays clean for more than 3 days. I feel accomplished if I only see one pile of clothes in my living room. I'm ecstatic when I can actually use my desk at work as a grading space because papers/pencils/protractors aren't in the way.

I thought that maybe, through this blog, I could become better at the things I'm not great at. Maybe, just maybe, this blog would give me the kick in the butt I need to literally get off the couch and accomplish my goals.

So here it is……thoughts from a wannabe neat freak.