Monday, February 7, 2011

What's Cookin?

Here is a recipe that, after many tries, I am extremely happy with.

Pork Stir-Fry (It's not really a stir-fry but I can't think of what else to call it....)

1.  Chop one orange pepper, one green pepper, and one sweet onion.  You can use whatever peppers you like.  Orange and green just happen to be my favorite.

2.  Toss them into a hot pan coated with olive oil.  Stir occasionally (Peppers burn fast and trust me, burnt peppers are disgusting.  Not that I know from personal experience.....)  Cook for a couple of minutes on medium.
3. (I just noticed and had to add, please ignore the dog food on the stove in the above picture.  I told you...I'm not organized)  A trick I have found useful to avoid burning peppers...Cover the cast iron with a large glass lid.  The steam allows the vegetables to cook at a higher temp. without burning.
4. Remove peppers to a seperate plate and turn heat to high.  Add more olive oil and allow the pan to get really really hot.  You know it's ready when it's smoking.  Add diced pork or chicken to the pan and let it sear for 30 seconds before stirring.  

5.  After 30 seconds or so, stir the meat, add the peppers back to the pan, and turn the heat to medium once again.  At this point, add soy sauce, worcheshire sauce, and sugar.  Because one of the themes of this blog is being disorganized, it shouldn't surprise you that I never measure when I cook.  If I were to guess, I'd say maybe 1/2 cup soy sauce, about 7 or 8 dashes of worcheshire sauce, and just a dash of sugar.

6.  Let simmer for about 5 minutes to get all the flavors working together.  Add a 1/2 cup water with 1 tbs. cornstarch.  This mixture lets the sauce thicken. (Another note...make sure the heat is on medium.  Burned cornstarch sauce is disgusting.  Not that I would know from personal experience...)

7.  Let cook together for a couple of minutes and you're good to go!  I serve mine over rice.  All in all it took me about 30 minutes.  Take that Rachel Ray.....

I would also like to add that I cleaned while I cooked.  Huge accomplishment.....this blog is working already.  Enjoy!!!

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